Shows the Corsican underworld through the eyes of the 15-year-old daughter of a clan head
Klik op één van de tijden en koop je tickets:
za 25.01
di 28.01
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Shows the Corsican underworld through the eyes of the 15-year-old daughter of a clan head
Koop tickets v.a. € 9,50
za 25.01
di 28.01
In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt Le Royaume vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.
Shows the Corsican underworld through the eyes of the 15-year-old daughter of a clan head
In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt Le Royaume vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.
Corsica, 1995. It’s Lesia’s first summer as a teenager. One day a man bursts into her life and takes her to an isolated villa where she finds her father, in hiding, surrounded by his clan. An underworld war erupts. The noose is tightening around them. Death strikes. Forced to go on the run, father and daughter will learn to face one another, to understand and love each other.
Julien Colonna
Anthony Morganti, Ghjuvanna Benedetti, Thomas Bronzini de Caraffa
1u 48m
Drama, English subs, Filmspecial, Speelfilm,
Julien Colonna
Anthony Morganti, Ghjuvanna Benedetti, Thomas Bronzini de Caraffa
1u 48m
Drama, English subs, Filmspecial, Speelfilm