A thorny psychological thriller about a compassionate corrections officer triggered by the arrival of a specific prisoner

English Subs - Sons

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za 12.10

  1. LUX 5 14.00 Koop

di 15.10

  1. LUX 5 19.15 Koop


  • Normaal: € 11,50
  • LUX Vriend: € 8,50
  • Student/CJP/MBOCard: € 8,00
  • Cineville: € 0,00

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Tickets za 12.10

    1. LUX 5 14.00 Koop

A thorny psychological thriller about a compassionate corrections officer triggered by the arrival of a specific prisoner

English Subs - Sons

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Koop tickets v.a. € 8,00

za 12.10

  1. LUX 5 14.00 Koop

di 15.10

  1. LUX 5 19.15 Koop


In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt Sons vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.

Bekijk speeltijden Nederlandse ondertiteling
Bekijk trailer

A thorny psychological thriller about a compassionate corrections officer triggered by the arrival of a specific prisoner

English Subs - Sons


In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt Sons vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.

Bekijk speeltijden Nederlandse ondertiteling

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