Lecture and conversation with philosopher Roman Krznaric

History for Tomorrow. Inspiration from the Past for the Future of Humanity

Radboud Reflects

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    1. LUX 7 20.00 Koop

Lecture and conversation with philosopher Roman Krznaric

History for Tomorrow. Inspiration from the Past for the Future of Humanity

Radboud Reflects

wo 18.09

  1. LUX 7 20.00 Koop Externe Tickets

History for Tomorrow. Inspiration from the Past for the Future of Humanity

Radboud Reflects

About History for Tomorrow. Inspiration from the Past for the Future of Humanity

How to stay hopeful in uncertain times? We’re facing increasing inequality, ecological collapse, the rise of artificial intelligence, and distrust in democracies. Despite this, Australian philosopher Roman Krznaric offers a message of radical hope in his latest book History for Tomorrow. Inspiration from the Past for the Future of Humanity. Radical hope is about living as if change is possible, even if it’s unlikely. Throughout history, societies have risen up against the odds to overcome crises and combat injustices. But how exactly can history inspire us to maintain radical hope in today’s world? Come and listen to philosopher Roman Krznaric discuss how and where we should look in our history books.

Reasons for hope from history
The past is full of lessons for tackling present and future problems, argues Roman Krznaric. But we often miss them. In History for Tomorrow, Krznaric takes inspiration from the last 1,000 years of world history to confront the most urgent challenges of the twenty-first century. What can the history of slave revolts teach us about the power of rebellion to tackle the climate crisis? How might the printing revolution spark ideas for taming the polarisations created by social media? What could we learn from eighteenth century Japan for creating regenerative economies today, or from the Renaissance for redesigning democracy?

Interpreting the past
Our history unveils worlds very different from our own, challenging our perceptions of what is normal. Delving into the past trains our imagination muscles. Still, can historical examples truly guide us in solving global issues? How should we apply insights from the past in the present? Aren’t past societies too different from today’s world to provide meaningful insights? Moreover, our history seems to present just as many reasons for pessimism about the future. Why should we place our faith in the past at all, rather than in technology, for instance? After his talk, Roman Krznaric will engage in a conversation with historian Adriaan Duiveman and culture scholar Charley Boerman about the values and limits of history lessons.

Over de sprekers

Roman Krznaric is een sociaal filosoof die schrijft over de kracht van ideeën om verandering te creëren. Zijn werk is vertaald in 25 talen en omvat verschillende internationale bestsellers, zoals Empathy, The Wonder Box en The Good Ancestor. Krnzaric werkt aan de Universiteit van Oxford en is oprichter van ‘s werelds eerste Empathiemuseum.

Bekijk ook de video van:

Carpe Diem | Radboud Reflects Lecture by philosopher Roman Krznaric (2017)

Adriaan Duiveman is historicus. Als postdoc-onderzoeker aan de KU Leuven doet hij momenteel onderzoek naar hoe het waterstaatsverleden van Nederland terugkomt in ons huidige klimaatdebat.

Charley Boerman is cultuurwetenschapper aan de Radboud Universiteit. Ze doet promotieonderzoek naar visuele en materiële herinneringsculturen rond historische hongersnoden, waaronder negentiende-eeuwse Finse hongersnoden en de Oekraïense Holodomor.

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